
Spotiflow is a learning-based spot detection method for fluorescence microscopy images. For more information, please refer to our paper.

Getting Started


First, create and activate a new conda environment.

(base) $ conda create -n spotiflow python=3.9
(base) $ conda activate spotiflow

Then, install Pytorch using conda/ mamba. Please follow the official instructions for your system.

As an example, for MacOS:

(spotiflow) $ conda install pytorch::pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

For a linux system with CUDA (note that you should change the CUDA version to match the one installed on your system):

(spotiflow) $ conda install pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

Finally, install spotiflow using pip:

(spotiflow) $ pip install spotiflow

Predicting spots in an image

The snippet below shows how to retrieve the spots from an image using one of the pretrained models:

from import imread
from spotiflow.model import Spotiflow
from spotiflow.utils import write_coords_csv

# Load the desired image
img = imread("/path/to/your/image")

# Load a pretrained model
model = Spotiflow.from_pretrained("general")

# Predict spots
spots, details = model.predict(img) # predict expects a numpy array

# spots is a numpy array with shape (n_spots, 2)
# details contains additional information about the prediction, like the predicted heatmap, the probability per spot, the flow field, etc.

# Save the results to a CSV file
write_coords_csv(spots, "/path/to/save/spots.csv")

If a custom model is used, simply change the model loadings step to:

# Load a custom model
model = Spotiflow.from_folder("/path/to/model")
